With these changes, we feel both weapon classes can carve out their respective gameplay niche better. We also increased the ammo pool for the crossbows somewhat to be more in line with the bow and arrow.
One conclusion we drew was that we wanted to highlight the differences between the crossbows and the bow and arrow more and decided to do a couple of changes, like making the strong bleed exclusive to the crossbows with its slower rate of fire, as well as making the crossbows and bow more consistent to limb damage overall by doing some minor tweaks to both weapons. Since releasing the Hunting Bow with the Light the Shadows event, we learned quite a bit about the weapon from your extensive usage. The Basic Arrow and Poison Arrow have their Bleeding intensity reduced and only do medium bleeding now. The Crossbows Basic Bolts will now do strong bleeding. The Crossbow and Hand Crossbow will now keep their damage better over distance, but the weapon ranges overall didn’t change. Health regeneration is paused while reviving a teammate with the Necromancer trait. Health regeneration is paused while poisoned, burning or bleeding. Health regeneration will start instantly after taking damage (Usually delayed by 5 seconds). Health regeneration does not stop at health chunk borders but will continue until current max health is reached. Health regeneration speed is halved (2.5 hp/s instead of 5 hp/s).